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Philippine Educational Exchange Program (PEEP)

PEEP Participants

School children and teen-agers residing in the United States or abroad ages 6 to 18 years old, of good moral character, and financially capable of paying the registration fees.
There will be two separate teams, one working in the United States and another in the Philippines. The two will coordinate with each other to facilitate the departure of the PEEP participants from the US, oversee their stay in the Philippines, and facilitate their return trip to the United States.
U.S. Team
The team in the United States will be based at the main office of ABM International Consultancy in Sunnyvale, CA and the team is composed of the CEO of ABM IC, Nurse Consultant, Educator, Travel Consultant and Parent Volunteers
Philippine Team
The basic team in the Philippines that will supervise the PEEPers will be akin to the organization of a summer camp in the United States. There would be a supervisor in a general area with guidance counselors ( ‘ate’ and ‘kuya’) that will oversee a group of five PEEPers. The number of PEEPers will vary according to need and effectivity.
The team is composed of PEEP Project Managers, Psychologist, Camp Director/Directress, Legal Officer, Medical Officers and Volunteer Parents.


The ideal immersion and summer camps in the Philippines will be spread throughout the main islands. It would be where PEEPers can be immersed in the culture of their parents. For example, if the PEEPer’s parent is originally from Ilocandia, then it is there that he or she should be sent to stay. Or if the parent is from Visayas, then the PEEPer should stay there.
Should that situation be unfeasible because of too varied composition of PEEPers, then they would have to locate to an area that is not too urbanized and still rural in its environment. Having PEEPers immerse in an urban environment would defeat the purpose of having PEEP in the first place. It is already a widely known fact that Filipino culture is still strongest in the ‘provincias’ despite the presence of television, radio, newspapers, and the Internet. City life has already modernized too many Filipinos and has led to the degradation of traditional Filipino values.
PEEPers would therefore stay in ‘rurban’ environments. These are cities that can still be qualified as rural areas because of their lower standards of living, absence of high rise buildings, and general laid back attitude of its citizens.
The major key cities are Quezon City, Baguio, Iloilo and Davao.
1. Art classes such as music lessons (piano, violin, voice) and dance lessons (ballet, hip hop, modern, etc.).
2. Sports like swimming, basketball, tennis,  boxing, etc.
3. Language learning.
4. Cultural integration.
5. Nature exploration.
6. Religious instructions depending on the PEEPer’s faith.
7. Application of science and history.
8. Outreach programs where PEEPers can see the plight of many poor people in the Philippines.
9. Leadership workshops that will teach PEEPers the value of initiative, responsibility, and accountability.
We are designing programs that will also include side trips to Hongkong Disneyland and the Great Wall of China.

The PEEP Program is designed to provide participants with a holistic, cross-cultural, safe and fun camp experience.